Sample Test Files for Specific Use Cases

In software testing, a test case is a list of steps that need to take for make sure that a certain feature or function works. The test case lists the steps, data, preconditions, and post conditions that must be met in order to check a feature.

It will list the variables that QAs need to use to compare the feature’s expected and real results and decide if it works. Input, execution, and expected output or answer are all talked about in test case components. It teaches engineers what to do, how to do it, and what kind of results are okay.

Test Case Management Template

Test case designs can be different from one company to the next. That being said, writing test cases in a standard style is a step toward setting up a testing process for your project.

Ad-hoc testing, which is done without proper test case writing, is also cut down on. But even if you use standard templates, you still have to set up test case writing, review and approval, test run, and most importantly, test report preparation by hand.

Performance testing

Check that certain program features and functions work as expected.

To show testers how to do the hands-on work they do every day.

For future projects and users to use as a guide, so they don’t have to start from scratch.

To help find design gaps and problems with usefulness early on.

To help new developers and testers get up to speed quickly, even if they join in the middle of a project.

Functional testing

Information about how the testing will be set up, such as the version of the software tests, data points, operating system, hardware, security clearance, date, time, requirements, and so on.

Any related sample test files or papers that testers will need

If there are alternatives to requirements,

When writing test cases for software testing, it’s important to know how to prioritize them. It takes a lot of time and work to run all the test cases in a test suite. It becomes almost impossible to test the whole suite for every build as the number of features grows. Setting priorities for test cases helps with these problems.

Test Case Example: How to Write a Test Case

Let us make an example of a test case based on a real-life situation. Take a look at this case.

  • Test Scenario: To confirm that a person has successfully logged in to
  • The person goes to
  • In the “email” box, the user types in a valid email address.
  • Someone clicks the “Next” button.
  • The person types in the password that sets up.
  • The person clicks “Sign In.”

Status of the Test—Pass or Fail: Pass

After making test cases, the tests that go with them need to be run on real browsers, devices, and operating systems. Remember that separation of devices is a big problem for all developers and testers. Every website needs to work perfectly on a wide range of devices, browsers, and operating systems. Over 9000 different devices connect to the internet around the world, so all apps must be up to date.

How to Use Test Management, Write and Keep Track of Test Cases?

Using Test Management to make and manage test cases is an easy and effective way to do things. Here is a list of steps to follow

Using a test management tool to make test cases

You can get Test Management: To get to your project, sign up for or log in to your Test Management account.

  • Find the section on test cases: In your project, find the “Test Cases” part and open it.
  • Make a New Test Case: To make a new test case, click “New Test Case.”
  • Details of the Test Case: Type in the title, description, and tags for the test case.
  • Put in Test Steps: Make sure your test case has clear, doable steps for thorough testing.
  • Set Test Case Priority Level: Give each test case a priority level to help you handle how it runs.
  • Save and Look Over the Test Case: Before you finish, make sure the test case is correct and full.

Security testing

Enter the “Test Cases” section: To begin handling your test cases, log in to your Test Management account, go to your project, and click on the “Test Cases” section.

View and Sort Test Cases: Look over the list of test cases in your project and sort them by importance or some other useful factor to make management easier.

Select a test case to see its specifics. If you need to, you can change things like the title, description, test steps, and priority of the test case.

Add or Remove Test Cases: To keep your folder organized, add new test cases by clicking on “New Test Case” or get rid of old or useless ones.

Execute Test Cases: Run the test cases, keep an eye on how they’re going, and keep track of the results in the Test Management tool.

Review Test Results: After the test is over, look at the results, find any problems or bugs, and put them in a category for solving.

Update Test Cases: Change test cases based on the results or any changes to how the program works.