Sample .ods file download

Download  Sample ods file

The ods file extension is used to save Microsoft Word documents, which are open document spreadsheets based on the XML file format. This sample ods file can be edited by the user. Software quality engineers and testers will find these example files useful because they are accessible in different sizes. There are three different file sizes available for the sample.ods files; to download one, just click the option that corresponds to the size you need.

ODS stands for “Open Document Format” and is used by many different office programs. The data is stored in rows and columns of cells. Microsoft Excel also supports for sample ods file download opening and saving ODS files as XLS and XLSX formats.

Data stored in ODS files

You can access the incomplete dataset through download it in OpenDocument Spreadsheet (ODS) format. At this time, ODS files for the following data subsets are available for download:

·         Catalog of job ideas (including job categories)

·         Catalog of theoretical understandings, practical abilities, and competency sets

·         Connections between job roles and skill sets

A monolingual ODS file contains concepts for jobs and skills/competences. Before you download the file, you can choose any language.