Test Cases For Dropdown

Testing software depends much on test cases. To find whether a software product satisfies business needs and performs as expected, a set of actions are conducted against a specific area of it.

Making sure that several components of the program function as expected and satisfy the needs and quality criteria of the end customer is one of the key objectives of a test case.

Whether creating a web app, software product, or website, you must create test cases for every component or feature covering all the conceivable test scenarios.

Making a website, for instance, calls for the use of many various kinds of features—text fields, buttons, checkboxes, and more. You have to create and run test cases for every element of your website you utilize.

In this blog article we will create decent test cases for radio buttons, checkboxes, dropdown menus, text boxes, buttons, headers, and footers.

Dropsdown Tests

Like a list box, a dropdown list is a graphic tool allowing users to select a value from a list. Among other names for it are a dropdown menu, pull-down list, or picklist.

These are some straightforward dropdown menu test cases:

  • Check your ability to click the dropdown list.
  • Click the dropdown option to discover whether the list shows and contracts.
  • Make sure every option in a list is displayed.
  • See whether the scroll-down function operates.
  • Make sure the dropdown list’s style corresponds to the one the specifications requested for. See whether it meshes with other things.
  • Every browser and gadget should be able to make the same use of the dropdown list.
  • See whether users might reach the dropdown and traverse the list using the keyboard.
  • Make sure the dropdown list clearly names the choices that are at hand.
  • Verify the spelling of the numbers on the dropdown list.
  • Verify whether the values of the list follow the guidelines provided in the standards.
  • Verify that the distances between every value in the list match one another.
  • See whether the selected option is emphasized or presented in another manner.
  • Make that the dropdown functions and behaves the same across several browsers and devices.
  • See how things turn out when none of the above choices are selected.
  • See how the dropdown operates for other objects.

Tests for the text box


Considered occasionally as a “text field,” a text box is a visual element allowing users to enter text. Rectangle; any size is feasible.

Let’s consider some approaches to evaluate the text box. Still, different kinds of text spaces arrange according to their acceptance standards. The test settings are thus different.

Tests for a text box using just one line

  • Verify the text box’s handling of symbols, characters, and numbers.
  • To get the message length the text box can allow, click the text box.
  • See if it generates no errors and works with empty data.
  • See whether the text box can appropriately handle spaces at word beginnings and ends.
  • See whether you may copy the text into the text field straight forwardly.
  • Verify whether the initial letter’s auto-capitalizing works correctly.
  • Make that using the Tab key on their keyboard allows users to reach the text box.
  • See whether the text box operates correctly on all devices and browsers.